Vehicle Safety Precautions for Emergency Responders
紧急车辆驾驶员是挽救他人生命的重要组成部分, 因为他们负责驾驶卡车,运送所有必要的设备和人员来帮助那些需要帮助的人. 如果司机不能成功地将车辆送到紧急现场, personnel cannot help civilians and/or protect property.
为了运送人员和设备,司机必须时刻牢记安全. In addition, 紧急车辆司机必须对同样使用道路的普通公众使用高水准的护理,以尽量减少伤害他人的风险.
Vehicle Inspections
Before entering the vehicle and starting it up, 巡视整个卡车,确保所有设备安全, 所有车厢的门都关好了,所有的障碍物都被安全地移开了.
- Inspect all four sides and the top of the vehicle.
- 检查车辆的右侧和后部是否有间隙,并让坐在警官位置上的人进行检查. 无论在紧急情况还是非紧急情况下,在移动之前都应该进行这项检查.
- Once in the vehicle, wear your safety belt.
Warning Devices and Responding to Emergencies
When responding to an emergency:- Turn on all audible and visual warning devices. Also remember that though these items are turned on, 公众可能仍然不会很快给你所需的许可.
- 要认识到,警告装置只是对道路通行权的要求,而不是保证你有道路规则.
- 注意你离其他车辆和行人有多近, and make sure to allow a safe following distance. Specifically, 当车速低于每小时40英里时,每10英尺车辆长度允许有一秒钟的跟随距离, and one additional second for speeds 10 mph over 40 mph.
- Drive as close to the posted speed limit as
在应对紧急情况时可以这样做,并且永远不要超过张贴的限制10英里每小时. There are many conditions that warrant slower speeds:- Slippery roads
- Inclement weather
- Poor visibility
- Heavy traffic
- Sharp curves and uneven surfaces
Uncontrolled Intersections: Do the following when approaching:
- 没有设置控制装置的十字路口(停车标志), 在你行驶的方向上有退让标志或交通信号
- 当你的车辆驶近时,交通管制信号为绿色;
- Conduct a full scan of the intersection
looking for potential dangers in all four directions. 有些危险可能包括司机在红灯时右转, 超速行走的行人或超速行驶的司机. - If you detect any dangers, slow down immediately.
- 如果你需要改变警笛的速度,在距离十字路口200英尺的地方.
- 如有可能,避免使用对面行车线超车.
- 随时准备停车,特别是当另一辆车不让让的时候.
- Conduct a full scan of the intersection
- Do not rely on sirens or lights to clear traffic.
- 在进入十字路口之前,扫描该区域的潜在危险和通过选项.
- 确认你周围的所有车辆都停好后再继续前进.
Railroad Intersections: When approaching a railroad crossing:
- Turn off sirens and air horns.
- Operate the vehicle at an idle speed.
- Open the windows and listen for a train.
Non-emergency Response Situations
When responding to a non-emergency, 遵守所有正常的机动车辆规则,不使用您的听觉或视觉设备.
Backing Up
Backing is a difficult task, 因为你不能像在小一点的车里那样容易地看到车的周围, personal vehicle. Whenever possible, avoid backing up an emergency vehicle. 如果您必须备份,请选择以下两个选项之一:
- 在车辆后面设置一名观察员,以便司机随时都能看到他们. 然后,侦察员应该在他们倒车时指导司机. 如果司机在任何时候看不到观察员,他们应该立即停车.
- If using a spotter is impossible, 如前所述,执行完整的车辆检查,以确保没有人或物体妨碍车辆的预定路径. Then, back up slowly.
Preventing Vehicle Rollovers
If you were to run off the road in an emergency vehicle, 你必须采取特别的预防措施以避免翻车:
- 把脚从油门踏板上移开,让车辆减速.
- Apply the brake slowly, 让车辆自然减速和降档,使其完全停止.
- 利用柔软的肩膀来保持控制.
- Once you have successfully stopped the vehicle, 慢慢地转向它回到路上在一个较低的档位和轻加速.
Hose Loading
如果你不确定其他人员的位置或没有正确的判断,在消防车上装载软管可能是一项危险的任务. Here are some recommendations for safe hose loading:
- 有一名观察员站在一个位置上,对装载软管的人没有阻碍,并且在装载软管的人的耳朵范围内.
- 在装载软管之前,从该区域移除所有非紧急交通工具.
- 以不超过每小时5英里的速度向前行驶消防车.
- 车辆行驶时,避免站在水管床上.
本“安全须知”传单仅供参考, and is not intended as medical or legal advice. © 2015, 2019, 2021 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.
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